The Year of the Tiger is a good new year!
The next 2022 will be held under the auspices of the Black (Blue) Water Tiger. Astrologers say that 2022 will be better than the year of Taurus, especially for people who know how to set goals and achieve them. The tiger has extraordinary energy and will be a patron for those who seek new knowledge.
This is a good year for people who dream of changing professions and want to learn new skills. It's time to renew your life. But, people with contradictions in character can expect disappointments and mistakes. People who rely solely on luck without effort should not expect successful projects and easy results. The tiger is a gentle and romantic animal. Therefore, marriages born of love and created in 2022 will be long and happy.
So, in 2022 you should study and work hard and love sincerely.
How to attract happiness and luck
There is very little time left until the New Year. To make the year of the Tiger happy and profitable, it is necessary to arrange a general cleaning of the house from
- Throw away broken things, especially broken dishes - they spoil the energy of your home and provoke destruction
- Get rid of unnecessary checks and bills, old newspapers - they attract poverty into the house.
- Overdue medicines and products - to make the new year pass through a sieve and without diseases.
The color of the New Year 2022
The main color in the year of the Tiger is blue. It is considered a symbol of variability. Therefore, tune in only to positive changes. To please the Tiger, feel free to choose orange, black, gold, white, yellow, sand and brown.
How to celebrate the New Year 2022 Tiger
A tiger is a predator. Meat dishes should be the main thing on the New Year's table. It does not hurt to add vegetables and tropical fruits.
Where to celebrate the New Year
Astrologers say that 2022 should be met with the closest people. Tigers are lone hunters who do not like strangers, but are friendly with members of their clan. Therefore, celebrate the Year of the Tiger with those with whom you feel "yours".
The symbol of the New Year - the Tiger, should be in every home. You can buy a magnet or a porcelain figurine. But a soft toy is better. It will add comfort to the house and will be a real talisman in 2022!