Photo - “Pampered child syndrome” or how not to hurt a child with hyper protection

“Pampered child syndrome” or how not to hurt a child with hyper protection


Spoiled child syndrome in English is often referred to as affluenza, i.e. “consumption epidemic”.

Specialists believe that the main cause of the syndrome: parental hyper protection and permissiveness. Although there is no official diagnosis in the list of diseases, people have been using this term since the 90s.

 For the first time it appeared in The Golden Ghetto: The Psychology of Affluence. The term "epidemic of consumption" has since been used to describe certain behavioral characteristics. The author of the book describes the behavior of children from wealthy families. They lack empathy and respect for others. This is a consequence of the lack of education and spending time together with parents, loading with presents and money.

Today, we can observe pampered child syndrome not only in rich families. Sometimes, even vice versa, it progresses in middle income families. When parents are busy working, or are abroad and their absence is compensated for by expensive phones and branded clothing. The kids have everything they ask for. They don't understand how hard mom or dad have to work and what to sacrifice. Children don’t appreciate their things and don’t care if they lose an expensive thing or spoil their clothes.

Pampered child syndrome may also occur at preschool age. When mom or dad buys something each time to calm the baby, the child begins to understand that he/she gets something for bad behavior. But the constant material reward for good behavior and performance of household duties also provokes the syndrome.

If parents sacrifice their needs or the needs of the family for the child, they provoke over-consumption syndrome. Loving a child does not mean buying him everything his or her friend has.

Kids with pampered child syndrome are demotivated. They understand that there is no need to make any effort to get what they want. They don’t know how to take no for an answer. They learn badly due to lack of purpose.  They don’t control their behavior because they don’t worry about the consequences. Children with promiscuity syndrome often find themselves in unpleasant situations, smoking and using alcohol and drugs. It is difficult for such children to maintain harmonious relations with their classmates.

Prevention of pampered child syndrome

You need to communicate with your children. Involve them in the family budget. They need to be aware of the efforts you are making to ensure a normal life.

Teach them how to save money so they can buy the thing they want.

Children must understand that they must be responsible, learn well and not always be rewarded for it. Explain what responsibilities each family member has. Kids need to be taught to make up their bed, put their things in their room and clean it up. This will help them develop the right values in life.

Children of school age should be up to speed on prices and understand that it is not always possible for parents to buy everything that is shown in advertisements. Teach them to appreciate what they have and respect the people around them.

Excessive care, lack of responsibilities, and life without limits only harm children and the consequences can be bad. After all, with time the hysteria of a five-year-old child will grow into aggression of the teenager.

To be strict with a child, to establish clear boundaries of behavior, to limit his or her desires is a demonstration of parental love. It is the only way we form the right moral values and teach children to control their emotions. Teach them to make an effort to get what they want. Promise that for a year of good schooling and great behavior, the child will get what he or she dreams of. It is a great motivation, the benefits of learning, and prevention of “pampered child syndrome” for the whole year!